full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anees Bahji: How do steroids affect your muscles— and the rest of your body?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

These srdteios have two main effects: angidrnoec, or masculinizing, and abnailoc, or growth-promoting. These effects mimic naturally-occurring testosterone, which drives the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics and general growth in everyone. That means testosterone and the synthetic steroids based on it promote body and facial hair growth, enlargement of the vocal cords and deepening of the vcoie, increased muscle mass and sgetntrh, and increased stautre and bone mass.

Open Cloze

These ________ have two main effects: __________, or masculinizing, and ________, or growth-promoting. These effects mimic naturally-occurring testosterone, which drives the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics and general growth in everyone. That means testosterone and the synthetic steroids based on it promote body and facial hair growth, enlargement of the vocal cords and deepening of the _____, increased muscle mass and ________, and increased _______ and bone mass.


  1. strength
  2. androgenic
  3. voice
  4. steroids
  5. anabolic
  6. stature

Original Text

These steroids have two main effects: androgenic, or masculinizing, and anabolic, or growth-promoting. These effects mimic naturally-occurring testosterone, which drives the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics and general growth in everyone. That means testosterone and the synthetic steroids based on it promote body and facial hair growth, enlargement of the vocal cords and deepening of the voice, increased muscle mass and strength, and increased stature and bone mass.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
steroid users 4
recreational steroid 4
muscle mass 2
risk factors 2
users experience 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
recreational steroid users 2

Important Words

  1. anabolic
  2. androgenic
  3. based
  4. body
  5. bone
  6. characteristics
  7. cords
  8. deepening
  9. development
  10. drives
  11. effects
  12. enlargement
  13. facial
  14. general
  15. growth
  16. hair
  17. increased
  18. main
  19. maintenance
  20. male
  21. masculinizing
  22. mass
  23. means
  24. mimic
  25. muscle
  26. promote
  27. secondary
  28. sex
  29. stature
  30. steroids
  31. strength
  32. synthetic
  33. testosterone
  34. vocal
  35. voice